Privacy in healthcare: Your Poorly Secured Medical Credit Score Could Deny You Care

The epitome of evil!

I have been working on “technology” issues for many years now and have understood how the browser renders; advertising networks, cookies and supercookies, browser fingerprinting and other assorted Internet junk. It requires considerable investment of time and energy to acquire the skill to sidestep the privacy implications. Privacy, in fact, is nearly dead.

It is relatively easy for anyone to be tracked online. Your images can ben reverse engineered to reveal quantum of data about you (from the exif data, for example). WhatsApp (and Facebook) knows your social graph and possibly almost everything about you.

The third party affiliates and advertising companies have built huge dossiers about every individual who comes online; in effect a surveillance state. Its implications are now being felt wherein the individuals could be denied insurance coverage based on algorithmic risk assessment. Several machine learning tools rely on the “degree of sameness” and hence appear to be biased. Despite the hoopla in mainstream media and the hyperventilating columnists in Financial Times trying to create scare scenarios, this blurb is most telling.

It is the beginning of a perfect storm. We are all going to pay the price collectively.

The Financial Clearance system combines medical records along with the financial records Experian already has on you to calculate the score. Since they have a network of hospitals reporting this kind of data, separate visits to different hospitals by a patient are no longer silo’d. There is now a number, that you can’t see, that follows you wherever you go.

Your Poorly Secured Medical Credit Score Could Deny You Care

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