What is the ROI for implementing Electronic Medical Records?

I asked AI to give me the linkage between the ROI and implementing EMRs. One reason I used this route was because I didn't have access to the "keywords" to give me a direct paper. Another reason I used AI to show the linkage between these two is that these are disparate concepts. The generated … Continue reading What is the ROI for implementing Electronic Medical Records?

Prompt Engineering from Mistral

I had access to this model and here's the response: Prompt engineering is the process of designing and refining the input prompts given to a language model like a large language model (LLM) to generate desired responses. The goal of prompt engineering is to create clear, concise, and effective prompts that guide the model to … Continue reading Prompt Engineering from Mistral

Prompt Engineering example from ChatGPT

I had access to the GPT4 Turbo and here's the output: Prompt engineering is the process of crafting inputs (prompts) for Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 to optimize the quality, relevance, and accuracy of their outputs. It involves understanding the capabilities and limitations of the model, and using strategies to guide it towards producing the … Continue reading Prompt Engineering example from ChatGPT

What is prompt engineering?

Well, the best answer came from the LLM instead. I used Anthropic's Claude 2 model to generate the response. Here's what it said: Here are some key things to know about prompt engineering for large language models (LLMs): What is Prompt Engineering Prompt engineering refers to the practice of carefully crafting the prompts that are … Continue reading What is prompt engineering?