How Carl Newport stayed focused

Brilliant long-form: Another lesson of my M.I.T. years was the fundamental separation between busyness and productivity. Scientists who work in labs, and have to run experiments or crunch numbers, can famously work long hours. Theoreticians can’t, as there’s only so much time you can usefully think about math. Right before a paper deadline, you might … Continue reading How Carl Newport stayed focused

Telegram’s Groundbreaking Monetization Features and Mini-Apps Unveiled: What You Need to Know

Photo by Digital Buggu on This is revolution in the making for a platform that's closer to a billion users on planet. There are no official numbers but extrapolated from the grwoth trajectory. The newer "beta" of Android has all the elements in place for monetisation strategies. They have introduced "TonCoin" which is some … Continue reading Telegram’s Groundbreaking Monetization Features and Mini-Apps Unveiled: What You Need to Know