Profit from curiosity

It resonated with me completely!

1. Seeking liminal spaces. Curious minds are not only comfortable in the in-betweens, they actively seek out those transitional moments of personal growth. Rather than racing through the uncomfortable phase of not-knowing, they enjoy exploring the gap between what they know and what they don’t know. They can fall in love with problems and revel in what poet Mary Oliver calls “the pleasure of mystery.”

2. Forming connections between ideas. Instead of thinking about the world in a linear way, curious minds think in maps. They practice networked thinking and combinational creativity, and find delight when discovering an unexpected connection between two ideas. Their mind is a garden and the world a giant playground where ideas can seed their imagination.

Source: The Curiosity Matrix: 9 Habits of Curious Minds by Anne-Laure Le Cunff

I’d only highlight the first two. For example, unless you are not curious about building efficiency matrixes, how can you drive your digital domains forward? I come across many individuals who have cursory information but refuse to head out for a thorough analysis on issues. Likewise, the AI tools are “useful” only if you know about the manual hard work to “achieve outcomes”. Thesis writing was the most painful experience for me. It shouldn’t have been. The tools existed then- Zotero (primitively) but now I revel in writing. The friction of combining content is eliminated. Researching articles (or their association) is totally missing now. All of this was driven forward by curiosity to eliminate the roadblocks for free flow of ideas.

Think about it. Profit from it. Your social media presence counts for zilch.

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