Can you achieve Twitter detox?

I have written extensively about Twitter (primarily because Med-Twitter calls this as their digital home) and partly because it is so “bad that it’s awesome”-category. There is a whole cottage industry of whiners (not me, though!) on Financial Times that is fun to see their disapprovals in print or digital medium. Here’s yet another one!

27 Years Ago, Steve Jobs Said the Best Employees Focus on Content, Not Process. Research Shows He Was Right |

Your best employees aren’t the people who excel at following processes.

Sure, you need people who stay within guidelines. Who embrace best practices. Who keep your trains running on time.

Your best people? They’re annoyed when others don’t contribute. They’re frustrated when others don’t embrace opportunity. They’re dissatisfied with the way things have always been done, because they understand what will truly drive value.

The next time you make a promotion decision, make sure you consider the great individual contributor who, as Jobs said, may not want to be a manager, but desperately wants to get things done.

The next time you make a compensation decision, make sure you consider how much a superstar employee is really worth — even if (maybe especially if) he or she is also a pain in the butt to manage.

Because success is rarely based solely on process. Success mostly comes down to what your business accomplishes.

The fascination with the “communal experiences” is not new. It has a cultural significance for the West. Yet, they wouldn’t find the niche locally. I tried to migrate users towards Telegram but it is not possible. Part hubris, part inertia, part their “jaundiced research” and partly, a lot of personal/professional commitments. I mean, it is impossible to think about automation when your livelihood depends on contouring targets.

Still Financial Times offers a degree of “intellectual entertainment”; they are slightly evolved that circus clowns with keyboards, though. If they search hard, they’d find the pensioners reusing their tea-bags and join that club, too.

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