Mozilla in healthcare?

Interesting observation from The Register:

Mozilla CEO wants business to pick up the pace • The Register

Unsurprisingly for a technology company, the report is heavy on AI going mainstream where Mozilla reckons it can make an impact in the technology, particularly with regard to open source developers and privacy.

Mozilla’s adventures in AI? The organization says it has 15 engineers working on open source large language models and is working on use cases in the healthcare space. Moez Draief, managing director of, said: “There’s a lot of structured data work in that industry that will feed the language models; we don’t have to invent it.”

Mozilla is best known for dumping its email client, Thunderbird, which got a fresh coat of paint after significant efforts from the open source community. It is on path to discard its only other project- Firefox. The CEO has paid herself a nice fat bonus after laying off employees. But making a pivot towards AI?

The are smoking something sinister. Mozilla has been using its funds to foment rabble rousing through “charities” and “non-profits” which somehow escapes scrutiny. They do it under the “garb of privacy”. But LLM? In Healthcare?

Hopefully it would be yet another project that would be dead on arrival. Remember its famous pivot towards mobile operating system? Despite the frenetic activity, there was nothing to show for. It was easy to blame the “duopoly” but hardware business is tough.

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