Which is better- active or passive learning?

The author errs in active learning. Schools are meant for indoctrination. To make you subservient and kill your curiosity. They are meant as a cannon fodder for the “modern office culture” and has nothing to do with the “active learning”. All the information fed to you is practically useless. At the end of the school, this format teaches you nothing. You can’t do financial planning, pay your taxes or repair anything. You “achieve” those aims only if you are curious. School, at present, is ONLY for the relationships with the peers you have formed, who are exactly, in the same pitiable situation as you. So definitely not the “greatest achievement of modern times” as the author alleges. Just a dastardly version of killing curiosity AND creativity.

Active vs. Passive Learning · Collab Fund

Passive learning: You let your mind wander with no intended destination. You read and learn broadly, talk to people from various backgrounds, and stumble haphazardly across topics you had never considered but spark your curiosity, often because it’s the topic you happen to need at that specific time of your life.

I can’t be alone in realizing that most of what I’ve learned in life has come from passive learning.

Something I’ve learned as a writer is that writing for yourself is fun, and it shows, while writing for other people is work, and it shows. Doing something your way, on your own terms, because it fits your unique personality, is night and day compared with performing for someone else’s expectations.

Active learning – which you’ll recognize as school – not only has a wonderful place in life but has to be considered one of the greatest achievements of modern times.

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