Reading less?

Reading should be personal; so should be the goals. I personally prefer longreads and collect curated articles for my Telegram channel. I dont have to post anything over a span of several days if I don’t come across anything interesting. Reading should provoke curiosity or aim to educate. Therefore, I found this anecdote amusing (and bordering on stupidity):

Read fewer books and feel better about it – by Przemek

Shortly after this realization I stumbled upon Daniel Pennac’s declaration of the “rights of the reader”. It’s the antithesis of my previous approach to reading. It includes:

  • 🙅 The right not to read. Reading should be a choice, not a chore. To truly enjoy it you need to first give yourself the permission not to read.
  • 🚀 The right to skip pages. There are no “rules” of reading, you own your reading experience. Skip pages, skip chapters, read the book out of order if you like.
  • 🥱 The right to not finish the book. If you’re finishing every book you start you’re doing something wrong: you’re probably finishing books not worth your time.
  • ✨ The right to read anything. Don’t shackle yourself to the NYT bestseller list of modern non-fiction. There is wisdom and joy and beauty out there, and not all of it can be found in the “Atomic Habits”.

If you wish to become a circus clown and demonstrate your “reading antics” (by “benchmarking” your numbers), you are most welcome.

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