Principles evolve from practise

Fascinating blog post!

principles are products of practice, not the reverse | Majd Alsado

And we see this in most innovations:

The Wright brothers achieved flight before fully understanding the physics behind the airfoil,

James Dyson learned what makes a great double cyclone vacuum only after building them,

The bicycle was invented without an understanding of the mechanisms which maintain its balance.

To quote further:

This is experimental evolution and it’s the foundation of principles, capitalism, and life. We must write today’s rules with an eye on what will work tomorrow, not yesterday.

This is also why it’s important for the makers of policies and standards to be connected with the real-time experimentation in a market, and not in silo, to constantly adapt, iterate, and refine standards and principles according to real-world outcomes.

So instead of what works in a “pilot study” shouldn’t be phased out in rest of the geographies just because it “works” in one place. There is an urgent unmet need for research in policy formulations that are socio-culturally relevant.

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